Automatic publication of current tours to all social networks

Forget about daily tour publications
and the cost of additional staff
No bank card required!
7 days free

Average savings per travel company
per month using TourHelper

That is the percentage you earn more
on one client

How many more applications you receive using our service to the fullest
Especially for travel agencies
The most powerful marketing channels are now working for you
Beautiful publications
from your travel company
Professional design of publications or you can use editor for templates
Feed and Stories

Your content where there is an audience
Actual information
by published tour
Automatic tours synchronization
with operators
Unique link
for every offer
Accurate sales statistics
Customize your publishing schedule
Or use an automatic content plan
Detailed analytics
by publications
Sales, click-throughs, conversion
Set parameters on which we will publish tours
According to these parameters, we will look for tours in different systems and than publish to social media with current prices and hotels
How does it work?
Ready templates
for publications
We have over 100 post templates in stock for feed
and stories, as well as a huge database of beautiful images so that no one repeats the visual part in the feed
You can setup own template with our editor
I want a unique template!
Flexible schedule
You can customize the day and time of publication. Choose where you will publish (feed or stories), as well as the number of publications per day
Read reviews
Post any publication
You can add your publication or prepare in our editor and then choose a time for publication in any social network and edit image in our editor
Try posting
TourHelper is designed
and is supported by a team of tourism professionals
We have created a tool designed to simplify
and automate SMM work in a travel company of any size

You only need to configure the system once,
and in the future, publications automatically and according to a specified schedule

The team is from Belarus, but we work for the whole world
Already using the service
  • Irina, Travel Agent
    Point A:
    We spend $500 on an SMM specialist. We sell for $2000 per month. There is no understanding of how to optimize costs, thoughts about closing the office, lack of SMM skills.

    Point B:

    The SMM specialist is replaced by TourHelper for $39 per month. Everything is automated, we sell on Instagram for $4,000 per month.
  • Evgeniya, StarTour.Pokrovsk
    Point A:
    We do SMM on our own, we spend 2-3 hours a day. 1-2 sales from Instagram per week.

    Point B:
    We got rid of wasting time on something that does not bring pleasure and transferred this task to TourHelper. Now we have 3-4 sales from social networks per day!
  • Pavel, United Travel
    Point A:
    We do not run social networks, there are a couple of posts from a year ago. Sales only by sundress or passing.

    Point B:
    We consistently publish Tours in all social networks every day. The number of sales only from social networks is 2 times higher than it was before for a sundress. Bliss!
How does it work?
Create filters
For example, choose tours
to Turkey with departure
from your city
Choose a template
We give you several templates to choose from. You can also change the text of publications and your template
Planning publications
Choose when to post. What days and what social networks
Connect social network
And then our system works for you
Choose the best plan for your travel company
Entrust the routine operations of publishing offers to a smart system with the ability to fine-tune it for you
7 days free
Publications in 2 social networks

Up to 10 filters

Up to 15 publications per day

All standart templates

Detailed analytics
Try it for free
7 days free
Publications in all social networks

Up to 500 filters

Up to 1000 publications per day

All standart templates

Unlimited unique templates

Detailed analytics

Personal link to the tour
with contacts

Browse and select tour operators

Tour search

Integration with CRM

Adding your logo

Adding your domain

Adding your images
Try it for free
Social networks connected to the system
The prepared publication from our system will be automatically published
More than 40 tour operators are connected
TourHelper is a multifunctional tool for travel companies. Publish tours on all social networks without using human resources
Try 7 days for free
No bank card required
Do you have any questions about the service? Contact us!
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© 2020 TourHelper
TechnoDucks, Inc
5348 Vegas Drive # 1485
Las Vegas, NV 89108